Axe is a 1977 film written and directed by Fredrick R. Friedel and is an American exploitation horror film. It is an iconic film from the grindhouse genre which in 1984 was named as one of the video nasties in the UK and appeared on the director of public prosecution’s list of banned films and was unavailable until 2005. Our trailer follows similar conventions as this film such as the changes in sound i.e. In the trailer for this film the sound cuts off and changes completely to fit the narration and the scene. The sound in the trailer for this has a pulse beat to it similar to ours and the name of the film is repeated several times within the trailer. The posters are very conventional as well because on the first the main image is what is the most important aspect of the film the axe and the title is the second largest item on the page. In the second main image is very important to the film because it is the main character which the film is about. There is also a tag line to go with the title, the names of the cast and crew are on the bottom in smaller fonts but in different structures. The following are the two posters for the film 'AXE!'and below that is the trailer clip for 'AXE!'from youtube.
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